Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wikipedia- Velicity Von


Jo naplok kivanok (Hello = P),
post fresh back from the trip with friends in Budapest / Vienna. Ten days of intensive sightseeing and night life that I would not recommend to those who go on holiday to sleep, eat and relax!

With this intervention I would just tell a little episode saw the station in Budapest while we (read as we ran crazy) the train to Vienna.
front of the terminus of the tracks, instead of large billboards / election, a tablet of stone, three elderly gentlemen and three boards. Paying a few guilders, you could try playing with these characters really folkoristici.
E 'was nice, for once, leaving behind images of waiting filled with I-pod, snacks on the fly, vacant eyes, and appreciate the concentrated gaze of those who defied.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sinus And Electric Heater

'm not a moralist, but ... Elections

It is not my habit to be a moralist, or to preach free.

But in this case I would "break" my unwritten rule.

why I do on Facebook (which I use for some time quite often), I saw an advertisement that makes you appear to stop studying and start copying.

Penna magica

Crushing is carried on the link to a page where you advertise two products, called "Magic Pen" and "Cheat Pen." From the site
www.pennamagica.com you can buy these two tools. The first is to write with ink "invisible", which is then displayed with a special light built into the pen, while the second is a more banal pen containing a rolled-up note.

Penna magica 2

The payoff "Just study! It 's time to copy! " solicitation to buy its products. Submitted

this company, I turn to make some personal consideration. Certainly

I do not want (I can, it is possible) to prevent anyone from selling, buying and using such tools.

I just want to express my outrage at such an advertisement. I tried on my skin how hard it is to pass the exams, and try to get a decent rating.

Such shortcuts of all Italian and adapted to the international reputation that we have made, make me stomach turn.

What will happen when you enter the world of work? He inherits a similar mindset?

Dear fellow blog (and now of everyday life!), What do you think?

Technorati Tags: University, Pen, Magic , , Italy ,

How To Make Sony Dvp-sr200pregion Free

Time Lords elections.

votere Who?

And above all ... You will vote? ; O)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Implantation Blood With Tissue

reforms, reforms no


Back with a topical issue: the reforms.
Not a day passes without hearing about electoral reform, policy reform, reforms to revive the country and so on.
What measures of this kind is needed is a fact. The calls for the company, the companies ask, now it asks for the policy itself, eager to achieve a coat of paint to appear less rusty at times of anti-politics.

Reform is not easy.
It should analyze in depth the situation and undermine the status quo, usually going to disturb "corporations" or special interests. As you might expect, the noise usually tacked damaged by the category receives attention from the press that the third (or as we say nowadays, the consumer) benefits from such action can only dream of. Granted, makes more noise altraparte of a tree falling in a forest that grows.

Unfortunately, today we are witnessing a sort of impotence of reform. Since the reform dissatisfied slices of the electorate, hardly a government undertakes. Political parties and politics, therefore, prefer to defend the so-called "advantageous position" rather than take risks. What you think about the next government!

I fear that this is the result of a company, even before a political party that has lost the ability to look at long term and the common interest.
