cite an interesting article of Sole 24 Ore in May 2007 that after six months it has become almost prophetic, below is the most interesting parts for a final argument that I lead with my partner, and with whom you wish to share an opinion.
Making Globalization reinforces the Member
May 2, 2007[...]
is not a new fact : Many governments, especially in emerging countries, are seeking more profitable ways to invest excess foreign exchange reserves or revenues - taxes and royalties - generated by natural resources. Thus transformed these resources - foreign currency, oil, minerals - in financial assets. Helps to avoid being dependent on a single market or quasi - that of crude oil or that of U.S. government bonds - and at the same time using only the funds within the country that the economy can absorb without overheating.
a very long list
are now approximately 25 sovereign wealth funds in the world . Some, like the Russian still are managed in a very conservative, others are long more aggressive . The larger the Adia Arab Emirates (875 billions of dollars ) and Gic of Singapore (330 billion) are wrapped in total secrecy: their exact dimensions are unknown. [...]
coup ...
can not but think that, with a mass of money of this size, governments do not use them for political purposes, more or less disconnected from those that represent only a strictly economic constraint. Temasek (Singapore SF, ed ), for example, was an essential tool for the industrial development of Singapore, once a fishing port. Today, projected abroad, especially in Asia - has given the impression of being several times the investment arm of the state border. [...]
Oslo Even in circumstances and in ways completely different, uses its fund for political purposes and thus affect management of some companies. The reason is economic and should not be underestimated : investment in long term, even the slightest risk - those caused by suspected or actual abuse of the Wal-Mart employees, or from environmental damage of the DRD Gold - can take a huge burden in perspective . With the evolution of case law, these companies could be ordered to such huge compensation.
The Fund, managed by the central bank is therefore moral suasion on the companies, will participate in the meeting, sided against the management often, and always in the name of good corporate governance . Some companies, like Wal Mart the same and the Italian Finmeccanica - but this also happens in private funds - are also excluded from investment. Again there are no beginning or strictly political fallout: the Fund in Oslo thus excludes companies involved in military nuclear exclusion of the public while Wal Mart has sparked the protest of the lively ' Directors of Washington.
What will happen now with Moscow? Russia has not hidden their wish to use its economic resources - the gas first - for strictly political purposes, and not in a pure market logic. The country is neither democracy like Norway, or as small as Singapore. Some fear it is right, even if the size of the fund are limited.
Not so in other cases, some existing funds are huge, others of considerable size, are born to imitate. The China has just created its own "financial vehicle", the Hueijing, from 300 billion dollars, which will grow to 200 billion dollars or more per year, the Korean will Kic soon be enlarged, perhaps to 100 billion, and Japan - thanks to 900 billion currency reserves - could soon be complemented with its own fund or specialized company.
"My rough estimate - said Stephen Jen of Morgan Stanley, which follows with particular attention to the phenomenon - is that these sovereign wealth funds now have assets of 2.3 trillion dollars and that will grow to 500 billion per year. " Few are in the hands of democratic governments.
transfer of power from these considerations is that Jen puts forward three major hypotheses on the development of political and financial world. Globalization, he says, is now developing a transfer of power, especially from private to public. "In addition to a geographical transfer of power from a system centered unipolar hegemony of the United States in a multipolar system - he explains - globalization is also leading to the transfer of economic power in other directions: from private to public from labor to capital and industrial goods to financial services. "
TO THE Financial Protection?
The risks of this new role of the state are many. The biggest is definitely the lack of transparency of most of these funds, which could also become sources of instability financial: their size is such as to transform them into key factors on the markets. The other danger - and it is an undeniable threat to the political tension that creates - is that of financial protectionism .
Episodes such as the Dubai Port which attempts to capture the docks of New York and is rejected may multiply. "The transformation of these central banks by foreign creditors to owners could generate - concludes Jen - political reactions not only in the United States but also Australia, Canada and other countries that have financial assets that these countries are rich in reserves desirable. "
Sovranity I Found a threat and an opportunity? Only one of the two? Henry
What do you think?
And you?
In my opinion we must be extremely careful that the target is made of their capital funds.
As shown, the size of these funds is such that there is a risk that Sovranity Founds going to influence the politics inevitably linked to the economy of a country.
Recently, following the subprime crisis, in some large and historic investment banks have entered Sovereign Funds:
(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 DIC - The sovereign wealth fund China Investment with an investment of five billion dollars is to come in Morgan Stanley, one of the largest U.S. banks, with a stake of just under 10% around 9.9%.
I quote from the Journal :
(the newspaper) - MILAN, Dec 11 - set on a path similar to that which prompted the emirate of Abu Dhabi to 5% of Citigroup in exchange for an investment of 7 , $ 5 billion, the president (of UBS ed) Marcel Ospel has decided to buffer the Swiss group's assets by issuing convertible bonds. These titles will be signed by the sovereign wealth fund in Singapore and in all likelihood, the Government of Oman: Once the circle is closed UBS get $ 11.5 billion in fresh medium.
Well ... Worry?
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