Monday, May 5, 2008

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L'affaire Microhoo!

Today I want to do some reflection on the case of fusion (non-) Microsoft - Yahoo! . First
delivery with the brief summary of the two famous infotech companies.

Microsoft Founded by Bill Gates in the 70's is the largest global computer giant. A market capitalization of $ 270 billion, annual sales of $ 51 billion, net income of $ 14.6 billion, 79,000 dipedenti and a business model that is (slowly) fading (computer software "local").

Founded by Jerry Yang (current CEO) Flo and David in 1995, is one of the few born in the internet boom to have survived the internet bubble. Capitalization at the time, more than $ 43 billion, waiting to see how lost in session today after the official retirement of Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, out of the deal for the request too Yang. It has a turnover of about $ 7 billion, and net income of about $ 1 billion. Its business model (free service with premium options and contextual adv) work and Yahoo has a strong expertise in the area of \u200b\u200bthe web, a brand interesting and "friend" of users.

Well, what happened?

Steve Ballmer in February 2008 provided $ 44 billion for buy Yahoo, 60% more than the value of the company stock at that time (Make or Buy Decision : MS chose BUY ).
Among the various options available to MS, it was decided to proceed with the merger of the road "consensual", which would allow both companies to complete the transaction in the best way, and without losing valuable items in the street taken away by competitors.


Yang MS examination of the offer is too low for the real value of the company. The operation was then extended up to the last few days in which the agreement is blurred. According
a letter from Ballmer last match the price offered had risen to $ 47.5 billion, for a total of $ 33 a share. The party demanded instead $ 37 and the agreement fell through.

The lost opportunity

The fuzzy fusion of the two companies in my opinion, a lack of opportunity to offer the market a more competitive player in the market to counter the domination of Google's online search and Advaita .
can do strange to hear it, for "fan" of Google (of which I feel part = P), but the market dominance of the Web is not Microsoft let alone Yahoo! , but Big G.
All information is confirmed and is now a fact that Google has become "the gateway to the web" .

such a strong position and with a gap so evident from the competition is set up as a monopoly (although this is the shape of the market): Big G controls 68.6% of U.S. search, compared to 17% of the first competitor (Yahoo) and 8% in the second (MSN / Live) - Source: Compete .

From this it is clear how important the online market of Advaita, which is growing at double-digit annual percentage rates (40% in Italy since 2007 for a total of 680 million €) and is expected to reach € 1 billion by 2008 (estimates and data IAB).


What one expects to happen now? MS has put into the pot $ 47 billion. If you look back on an agreement on that figure, some of the money could be invested in the internal development of new business model (remember that we started from the Make or Buy Decision ? Now we head towards the MAKE ).

Another possibility is that institutional investors and major shareholders Yahoo! put pressure on Yang to CDA and they retraced his steps down the claims to reach an agreement with MS a figure around that originally proposed by Steve. It 's a little back with his tail between his legs after he had "done the cool, pass me the term.

road may be the final agreements with Google ace or catch-interest situation, a Rupert Murdoch , an acquisition that it will host and MySpace .

What do you think?

Tiziano Tassi
CLAM 3rd year

Notes: Photo by Flickr

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I Have A Pimple In My Nose

Italian Economy: A comparison of the elections

Segnalo after a few eons absence of an interesting video that can launch a dibatitto the Italian economy over the last 10-15 years, and I hope that Prof. Tagliavini's Blog FRIMA of Parma should turn a discussion with a way to END.

The video is this:

What do you think?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wikipedia- Velicity Von


Jo naplok kivanok (Hello = P),
post fresh back from the trip with friends in Budapest / Vienna. Ten days of intensive sightseeing and night life that I would not recommend to those who go on holiday to sleep, eat and relax!

With this intervention I would just tell a little episode saw the station in Budapest while we (read as we ran crazy) the train to Vienna.
front of the terminus of the tracks, instead of large billboards / election, a tablet of stone, three elderly gentlemen and three boards. Paying a few guilders, you could try playing with these characters really folkoristici.
E 'was nice, for once, leaving behind images of waiting filled with I-pod, snacks on the fly, vacant eyes, and appreciate the concentrated gaze of those who defied.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sinus And Electric Heater

'm not a moralist, but ... Elections

It is not my habit to be a moralist, or to preach free.

But in this case I would "break" my unwritten rule.

why I do on Facebook (which I use for some time quite often), I saw an advertisement that makes you appear to stop studying and start copying.

Penna magica

Crushing is carried on the link to a page where you advertise two products, called "Magic Pen" and "Cheat Pen." From the site you can buy these two tools. The first is to write with ink "invisible", which is then displayed with a special light built into the pen, while the second is a more banal pen containing a rolled-up note.

Penna magica 2

The payoff "Just study! It 's time to copy! " solicitation to buy its products. Submitted

this company, I turn to make some personal consideration. Certainly

I do not want (I can, it is possible) to prevent anyone from selling, buying and using such tools.

I just want to express my outrage at such an advertisement. I tried on my skin how hard it is to pass the exams, and try to get a decent rating.

Such shortcuts of all Italian and adapted to the international reputation that we have made, make me stomach turn.

What will happen when you enter the world of work? He inherits a similar mindset?

Dear fellow blog (and now of everyday life!), What do you think?

Technorati Tags: University, Pen, Magic , , Italy ,

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Time Lords elections.

votere Who?

And above all ... You will vote? ; O)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

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reforms, reforms no


Back with a topical issue: the reforms.
Not a day passes without hearing about electoral reform, policy reform, reforms to revive the country and so on.
What measures of this kind is needed is a fact. The calls for the company, the companies ask, now it asks for the policy itself, eager to achieve a coat of paint to appear less rusty at times of anti-politics.

Reform is not easy.
It should analyze in depth the situation and undermine the status quo, usually going to disturb "corporations" or special interests. As you might expect, the noise usually tacked damaged by the category receives attention from the press that the third (or as we say nowadays, the consumer) benefits from such action can only dream of. Granted, makes more noise altraparte of a tree falling in a forest that grows.

Unfortunately, today we are witnessing a sort of impotence of reform. Since the reform dissatisfied slices of the electorate, hardly a government undertakes. Political parties and politics, therefore, prefer to defend the so-called "advantageous position" rather than take risks. What you think about the next government!

I fear that this is the result of a company, even before a political party that has lost the ability to look at long term and the common interest.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

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The Fed cuts rates (yet)

Rates: Fed cuts half point to 3%

'There remain downside risks to growth'

(ANSA) - ROMA, 30 GEN - The Federal Open Market Committee has cut the Fed half a point on the Fed Funds rate from 3.5% to 3%. According to the Federal Reserve 'remain downside risks to growth' and financial markets are still subject to a 'considerable stress'. 'Credit conditions for households and businesses have deteriorated further - the Federal Reserve writes - that inflation should be more' moderate in coming quarters'.



Within a few days the Fed has cut rates by 1 .25%.

What will happen to rates in Europe (currently 4%)?

A cut may be needed to maintain a balance?

And when one euro to 2.00 against the dollar? =)

Friday, January 25, 2008

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110 and praise is still one vote "useful"? I read an interesting article on the site that reflects the usefulness of a working 110 and praise. This is the link to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I'm going to write in my next words.

110 and praise? better not

einstein8ci Well, all the wrongs I am convinced that the author has not found it. Certainly the 110 and
praise is not only a vote that indicates "yes man" as they are defined in the article, but sometimes is the result a wrong way in my opinion and experience INTED education.
are rare cases where I can say that a 110 e lode ( seems we are talking about a race of student ) has something that sets it apart from the rest of the students, the classic "edge".
An example of a rare specimen like this, in my opinion, is the companion chair that sits on this blog from time to time with myself. ; O)

An interesting thought can be brought under the terms of education and teaching: is perhaps time to change the methods of assessment and teaching?

This question comes to mind when thinking about methods of study adopted by the students.
A study of "memory" that finds the time to leave. Finished the exam, the student's RAM memory is completely reset to make room for the next data to be stored (not elaborate).

Instead perhaps, a method of study that combines theoretical knowledge with practical, formulation of arguments and simulations, with the responsibility of the student and the opportunity to try out what you studied, it can produce r esults best on the training plan. Clearly, all this said

bottom of my experience three-year student.
not praise the 110 and that in itself is mistreated, but the occurrence of un'asimmetia evaluation between universities and industry.

If the assessment methods coincide, the role of 110 and would return praise to make a clear positive meaning, but now is the classic vote that makes Mom happy, but that does turn up their nose at some (certainly not all ) and multinational companies.

My friend, what do you think? And you? =)


Technorati Tags: , Thesis, 110 and praise, praise ,

Friday, January 4, 2008

Stream Digital Playground Mega

Program Update

Dear readers,

I'm back in the breach.
This time I will be brief (ola from the stands ...)

As you know, a few days ago an analysis conducted at the OECD showed that Italian students are, on average, less prepared for their European peers .
Today I discovered that a similar investigation was conducted on a sample of science teachers in middle and high schools of our country, with the objective to discover the actual degree of knowledge - and therefore the transmission capacity concepts - of our faculty.
The results were equally merciless.

In fact, to amaze me was not so much this (altraparte of teaching is no longer, for many, a passion), as the absurd, in my opinion clearly justified the inevitable exit from the lips of yet Association President by category ... "Professors have only 5 (FIVE !) days a year to update ...".

meantime, however, in the three summer months they do? Private lessons for recovering debts?? Here

the full article here.



Tuesday, January 1, 2008

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Two lumps of mistrust

Hello readers!

First of all, the chair also add to the ranks of friends, relatives, acquaintances, strangers and people who remember you only for religious holidays (especially because you are caught by the function "send to all" cell phone) that volunteers have worked in these days to wish you.

So ... AVGVRI! (In times of Casus Belli Rome Total War-a-bit 'of latinorum is a must).

But let us.
Today, checking the home of, I laid eyes on one of those polls do not have statistical significance, which are offered regularly to readers.
The question asked was: "For Alitalia, the solution would you prefer Air France / KLM or Air One + that national banks?"
To my dismay, over 80% of surfers has sided in favor of the French.

Let me say that I very much doubt that each of them has knowledge equal to that of the Alitalia Board of Directors of the two alternatives, such as to favor a foreign solution (which is why, among other things, I consider it unnecessary to submit a survey of its kind a common reader.)

said this, you will find out the reason for my discomfort.
Why, I wondered, this total distrust of the Italian solution?
Okay we have not (unfortunately) shone for attachment to the flag, but 80% seems too frankly.

Much more likely, in fact, is the existence of a deep distrust of big business and entrepreneurship-captain coraggiosesca memory. Telecom teaches.
It is extremely sad that a nation (something tells me that in that part of the survey we have statistical significance) lose confidence in his entrepreneurial spirit, net of praise continually imposed on SMEs.

There's enough to make people think he has, and will in the hands of the management companies-symbol.
Responsibility also means that.
