Tuesday, January 1, 2008

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Two lumps of mistrust

Hello readers!

First of all, the chair also add to the ranks of friends, relatives, acquaintances, strangers and people who remember you only for religious holidays (especially because you are caught by the function "send to all" cell phone) that volunteers have worked in these days to wish you.

So ... AVGVRI! (In times of Casus Belli Rome Total War-a-bit 'of latinorum is a must).

But let us.
Today, checking the home of Corriere.it, I laid eyes on one of those polls do not have statistical significance, which are offered regularly to readers.
The question asked was: "For Alitalia, the solution would you prefer Air France / KLM or Air One + that national banks?"
To my dismay, over 80% of surfers has sided in favor of the French.

Let me say that I very much doubt that each of them has knowledge equal to that of the Alitalia Board of Directors of the two alternatives, such as to favor a foreign solution (which is why, among other things, I consider it unnecessary to submit a survey of its kind a common reader.)

said this, you will find out the reason for my discomfort.
Why, I wondered, this total distrust of the Italian solution?
Okay we have not (unfortunately) shone for attachment to the flag, but 80% seems too frankly.

Much more likely, in fact, is the existence of a deep distrust of big business and entrepreneurship-captain coraggiosesca memory. Telecom teaches.
It is extremely sad that a nation (something tells me that in that part of the survey we have statistical significance) lose confidence in his entrepreneurial spirit, net of praise continually imposed on SMEs.

There's enough to make people think he has, and will in the hands of the management companies-symbol.
Responsibility also means that.



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