International Exhibition of Visual Arts Collective
" EYE ON THE TRUTH 'AND BEYOND " Coordination Maurizio Lamorgese
Complex of St. Andrew al Quirinale
Via Piacenza, 1 - Rome
From 14 May to 28 May 2010
Opening May 14, at 16
The appointment, program are those not to be missed
the vernissage will begin at 16 and presented the Register of Writers and Artists 2010 (Artescrittura Editions, the publisher of AutoriOnline ), and presentation of Deborah D'Agostino and Massimo Nardi within the framework and the World Book and Copyright Day , promoted by the Italian Commission for UNESCO .
The evening program will continue at the Literary Cafe di Roma (Via Ostiense 95, 21.30), which will be inaugurated Gallery "The Art Cube" with personal photo exhibition "Essentially" of Matteo Colla .
The evening will also be accompanied by videoperformances and poetry readings as part of Day UNESCO.
"Eyes on Reality and Beyond is a celebration of a match, that between one hundred works of contemporary art, to summon as many authors. Protagonists will therefore be artists, committed to staging their present expression with only one work done. Sintesi as selection, distillation of the individual message, mediated by the big names and equally talented young people, in the heterogeneous variety of techniques and language of communication today. Dialogue between individual and global routes between existing tracks and roads becoming, the event will be an emblem of discontinuity, story illustration, the intent is to play a true piece of contemporary art, captured the exact moment of his becoming chaotic and contradictory. Mediating the abstract theory with the living matter of our sensibility, the show becomes a kind of transcendental scheme to steal unexpected but recognizable features of the state of today's art, art as communication of Reality, the Reality. Visitors can still surprise the unexpected enthusiasm for liberty which the imagination is permissible to cross the unexplored fields, the mind can not but give way at the moment, to recover soon, prompted by challenging evidence.
Reality, therefore, art and the world ... and Beyond, to investigate the forms and rising, to decode the future directions, to follow the events of creativity that, while not saving the world, some can make it better.
We just have to wait. "
Elisa Govi \u200b\u200b
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