Lof Autonomous Paichil reaffirms its struggle and invites trawün in Puelmapu
July 31, 2010
Front manipulated the statements of functional seudodirigentes, we will reaffirm our line expressed in the last public statement, also attached some pictures where we remember those who have maintained the struggle worthy, ancestral and those who do not follow or understand the Kuifi Rakizuam (Ancient Thought) betraying our essence and culture: "If you live Saiweke villain would say, Inakaial died as a political prisoner."
Public Statement Autonomous Community in Conflict Paichil
our people and the general public want to communicate the following: "That with Dignity
liable for the Defense and Resistance actions developed in our territory in recent months against oppressors winka their investments, the state's repressive forces and vigilante groups. We
responsible for the violence to winka oppressor state and its capitalist system who, through their political, economic and judicial Mapuche seek to halt the progress in the recovery of our natural political and territorial rights.
We have right to live free and under our own rules in our Territory and defend us from all unrighteousness and outrage as our ancestors did.
-The Lof (family-community) and Antreao Paichil inhabit this WalMapu (Ancestral territory) since ancient times as Kintrikeo, Kaiun and many others, this WalMapu was inhabited by various freely Mapuche Lof, until the joint war from both states (Argentina and Chile) cemented the invasion and territorial encroachment in the late nineteenth century.
As a conscious part in the struggle of the Mapuche people reaffirm our recovery objectives WalMapu All Usurped for all Our People, Our World Reconstruction and Liberation of all the yokes that oppress us, validating all forms of struggle. Repression
-repudiate the rest of our people and the usurpation of our lands, by the state and landowners, as well also of national and transnational oil, mining, hydroelectric, forestry and the whole capitalist investment, which continues the destruction of our people, also rejected the treason and handling of certain state institutions financed by imperialism, which through its face Mapuche sow confusion, division and awinkamiento in communities.
salute with admiration and deep respect for the struggle carried out by our pu pu ka Peni's Gulumapu Lamu, imprisoned, persecuted and killed by the oppressive state of Chile, in particular the processes developed by the Coordinator of communities in conflict Arauko Mallek (CAM) and the Mapuche Political Prisoners, and the whole of Communities in Conflict and Autonomous Communities around the Mapuche ancestral territory.
Resistance is not terrorism, terrorism is power, we echo and part of their mobilizations. Also ask our people to pay special attention to what He commands us ka Fucha Nguenechen Kushe Nguenechen Tain Kuifiche Iem with volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis. If we do not Filu Trentrén Filu Kaikai reordering things his way.
"For all this, pu pu ka Peni Lamu Ancestral Consciousness more worthy to fight and that we have endured the repressive forces of the winka, we declare Conflict and Autonomous Community Process Ancestral Mapuche resistance, part of an Autonomous Mapuche Movement Agreements and difference that develops throughout the WalMapu in recent years, we Mapuche anti-imperialist and Ancestral Libertarian. -Unknown
dialogue and negotiation tables of those who claim to represent to be functional winka policy. We do not traded, we do not sell, nor retreat. As we disclaim Autonomous Neuquén Mapuche Confederation as the representative body of our struggle, but we recognize it as a state institution like the ICC, Inai, Codeci, therefore it is your responsibility bureaucratic address some of our demands.
Yes to all communities recognize that in it are the result of manipulation, and denounced the traitorous actions of some members of the confederation (state officials), as well as infiltrated winka, religious sects and persons associated with the police in our community as the betrayal of alleged corrupt officials and deceitful awinkadas unfortunately winka hand and traitor have divided us again, however true to our essence Mapuche bond with the Earth and our sense of resistance will not give or One Step Back continue to struggle for recovery and Liberty to Victory or die on your feet. We are not Argentine
Chilean and not 200 years ago, we have thousands, not celebrate oppression. We do not participate in the march of the traitors with the government. While in our community and others sought, repress and criminalize our struggle, there is political persecution and traitors negotiate and celebrate. No aggression without response. The Weichafe will continue to resist our Mapuche Nation. -Finally
invite communities, organizations and all our people to make a Futa Traun in our Territory for the Spring, due to seek consensus and proposals in Our Struggle Ancestral Village, we hope to all those who are not afraid of winka who really think and feel like looking to parlay Mapuche real solutions to our reality of dispossession and oppression, to Overcoming Resistance reborn. We called the Rest of Our People to Stand Up Against the Oppression also Winka and fight to get everything Usurped, following the example of our Great Warriors of the Past. Pu Weftupe
Weichafe, meu Mapu Inkaiñ Femuechi tain Kuifiche Zeumalekefuingun Iem, Wewaiñ tain Kuifi Weich, Laiaingun weshainma winka ka pu pu Ianakona. Az Wiñomuleai Mapu, Mapu Ñielain Muleai Aukan. Territory
Liberation Autonomy Resistance Reconstruction. Outside
WalMapuChe Winka of all the Free Territory and recovered at Pueblo Mapuche.
Free the Mapuche Political Prisoners, Revenge of the Fallen, Stone and Fire to oppression. Lof in Conflict Paichil
Autonoma, Resistance Ancestral Mapuche, Mapuche autonomous and independent of
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