"A carriage with coach and four during the transfer from the airport", "a room with sea view in Florence," "love messages included in tributes floral ',' beds in position bioenergetics', 'an employee to tuck "," a serenade under the window of the hotel' and, last but not least, "the car in Venice." These are just some of the more extravagant claims (unlikely, but true!) To whom face the Italian hotels. You according to a recent survey sponsored by the portal LateRooms among them the leader among the peninsula, in order to draw a profile of their customers (both Italian and foreign), pointing out flaws, virtues, habits and quirks. The survey, which was attended by more than a thousand hotels affiliated with LateRooms.com, shows, first, that online reservations are popular among foreigners (71.5%), especially for short stays as weekends (86.4%). The formula is also the most popular b & b (96.2%). In terms of education, also Italian hotels have no doubt that European tourists are more reliable and educated travelers Eastern and American, respectively the second and third place for this special classification. Another interesting fact, then, is related to the distribution of tips: the staff plans to get the most conspicuous, followed by the waiters and staff room to the front desk. A sign, the latter, how they are now very definitely gone down, from this point of view, the golden days of receipt, once the main recipient of the generosity of the guests. (Newsletter Job in Tourism)
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