Saturday, December 4, 2010

Paris Kennedy Master Of Paris


"India is the second largest Asian market for hotel development rate: over the next three years it is expected that the number of rooms belonging to the hotel chain will double, reaching a total figure of around 120 thousand rooms. " The words of the president and chief operating officer of Marriott International, Arne Sorenson, sum up the roots of what can be considered a real contest of the major international groups to intercept the increasing demand for hospitality of the Indian market. Marriott, in particular, will rise from the current eleven to 41 hotels by 2013 to reach 100 by the year 2015, the transaction involving seven of its brand. At the same time, InterContinental (IHG) aims to triple its presence in the Indian sub-continent, from the current 12 hotels to over thirty five years. At the heart of IHG policy of expansion has been mainly limited own brand service Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Exspress. "Following the strong economic growth of the country and the consequent development of a substantial middle class in the country," says the managing director of IHG Asia Australasia, Jan Smits, 'We are seeing a significant increase in demand in the mid-market segment. " The expansion of IHG in India should cover in particular the major Indian cities and some secondary centers of key importance.
(Newsletter Job in Tourism)


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