Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cleaning Yourself After Going To The Bathroom



Sabbioneta, Palazzo Du hauls
Photos by AMBonora @ D + Arch

Carlotta Actis Barone, Elvezia Allari, Marloes ten Bhömer, Benedetta Bonichi, Sandra Bordin Silvia Bordin, Paul Cassara, Nick Cave , Roberta Chioni, Antonella Cinelli Girolamo Ciulla, Daniela Coman Corpicrudi, Caterina Crepax, Corrado Dalco, Worthy Miky, Moria De Zen, Louisa Dvorak, Elmerald, Elisabetta Farina, Matthew Farolfi, Marina Fedorova, Sandro Ferrone, Massimo Festi, Silvia Fiorentino, Fabio Fornasari, Anna Fracassi Francesca Gagliardi, Marina Gasparini, Massimo Giacon, Tea Giobbio, Ghita, Zoe Grun, Susanna Hesselberg, Faiyaz Jafri, Knotan, Oskar Kogoj, Gabriele Lamberti, Gianmarco Lorenzi, Sasa Makarova, Matticchio Franco, Fernanda Moneta, Gaetano Muratore, Jum Nakao, Barbara Pelizzon, Peter Perfect, Mariuccia Pisani, Klaus Pobitzer, Gianni Renzi, Jeannette Rütsche, Schietekat Paolo, Antonello Silverine, Barbara Tabone, Cosimo Terlizzi, Giovanna Torresin, Vittorio Valente, Alexandra and Ilya Zaharova Plotnikov, Andrew Zago, Chiara Zanetti, Dania Zanotto

Isabella Falbo, Ferruccio Giromini, Roberto Roda
collaboration with
Marcello Pecchioli
and ordination of
Matthew Fazzi

Fashion: mixed blessing of daily life, not only the female
Fashion: object and subject in the cultural history and society, especially nowadays
Fashion: heaven and hell of the artistic look, especially the contemporary
Fashion: beauty and provocation, always

The exhibition offers a narrative of the relationship between art and fashion highlighting an art scene in which the most innovative trends seems to be inspired by the philosophy of convergence, contamination or media creativity. Over the past decade, art and fashion seem to become increasingly connected to the point where new statutes were outlined unifying. Although, considering that the art has gone down the path in search of the criterion adopted, Fashion regularly renewed and reinvented itself, becoming a 'cultural' and 'cultural code. " Today fashion has become a ship of the 'present', mirroring the change and the consecration of new forms culturali.Installazioni, Clothing, sculptures, photographs, video, painting, cultural heritage: works of sixty Italian and international artists - from ' Austria United States, from Sweden to Russia, Belgium Brasil - compose a stunning landscape in which art and fashion convert and overlap.

PLEASE ME FASHION unfolds around five broad thematic sections in the space of great beauty that is the Palazzo Ducale in Sabbioneta, occupying the wide spaces on both floors.

DE LUXE : Sins Atonement and
FASHION novels: The story dressed
De Sade tailors : Vanity 's Inferno
FASHION intellectuals: fantasy art hibrid
FASHION TECH : Beyond the fashion and into the future

The exhibition took place within the Sabbioneta ART FESTIVAL: Issues, Trends and new generations of Contemporary Art , 5th June-18 July 2010, organized by the Youth Study Center ERMES, directed by Matthew Fazzi.


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