Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Happended To Heather Harmon

police - not jail or trial. Annotations on the fall of Mariano Ferreyra


On Wednesday 10/20/1910 the floor again shudder at the drop of a social activist. Mariano Ferreyra was shot by a gang of Railways' Union, one of the many conflicts that are triggered when the laburantes require improvements in their livelihood and Power responds with punishment and discipline. Today
, who acted as executioners were neither the police nor the military, but the same area union workers who were supporting Mariano. This is not random, and goes beyond the simple need for the state to dilute their responsibility using agents outside its formal structure.
This is not new but is a product of historical development of trade unionism a century that began with the change of the action of the class struggle of class conciliation. This process goes hand in hand with the changes in production and work organization. Just as in the actions of the state, which initially suppress the labor movement and then hitting blows, once weakened it, take a selective repression, negotiating and awarding concessions to the reformist unions. Climate in which it appears and expands the so-called "revolutionary syndicalism" (conciliator in practice, but not in the speech) and the gradual displacement of the genuinely revolutionary sectors (mostly anarchists). This change was deepening, with its strengths and contradictions, to make the union more than a state institution, with Peronism. This unit consolidates and mediation between capital and labor, providing labor standards compliant, and workers in some supposed "benefits" (but the mystification of belonging to a structure that supposedly defends his class.)
In this sense, since there are no class interests, but those of the organization. Thus, the search for global social change becomes the quest for expansion and consolidation of the organization as an end in itself, requiring a specialized group whose task is to protect the interests of the organization, generating in turn separation between rulers and ruled (1) - logic played incessantly for much of the leftist organizations.
This strengthens the unionist ideology, diluting the identity not as proletarian class, but as a mere worker (2), creating dismembered human whose existence is reduced to its role in the productive system (industrial worker, clerk, student ... ): design completely bourgeois and therefore alienating. Once again, the left bourgeois fulfills its mission to reproduce the dominant discourse.
So much so, that goes so far as to institutionalize the funeral of our fallen. We hear demands that the state investigate: we will ask the murderer to investigate himself? We can hear the demands of trial: are not these same judges are the guarantors of this life of misery? We can hear the prison sentences, the same as tomorrow will be filled with our skins as subversives, the same as today exterminate many of us.
The struggle can not be reduced to knowing who pulled the trigger, we recognize our enemies: the system, its defenders and its false critics. Therefore, we can not stifle our anger in the labyrinths of bourgeois justice that the only thing guaranteed is the containment of social conflict, we can not legitimize the weapons with which our tormentors morning we will burst.
Thus, we have to do with Mariano not a martyr, and less as a specific organization (PO), but recognize it as the downfall of a kind brother, despite the political chasms that separate us, we challenges everyone. Therefore, we can not be passive grieving, but standing and fighting position.
Our anger does not wear three goats in prison, not to remove a union bureaucrat, our hatred is against the institutions, the daily misery, against capital and state.
We must be prepared and be aware that the only way to stop the daily violence is brutal and self-organizing, organizing in our neighborhoods, schools, jobs and schools, with self-management and direct action such that we can meet the state and its repressive apparatus but we will turn eternally among the cobwebs of the bourgeois world.
The purpose of this pamphlet is not to discredit, but to radicalize the critical tomorrow and Marian have not Ferreyra, or Bonefois Diegos or Kostekis Maximilian. MARTYRS NI NI

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anarchists (1) We believe that the bureaucracy is born of the union structure, and not vice versa. The unionist apparatus is not changed by the personal interests of a specific direction, so a "revolutionary leadership" does not represent any structural changes until it is destroyed the negotiating dynamics and damping of the foundation (which allows the continued operation of the rate of profit).
(2) When it comes to working class we refer to a class that is precisely proletarianized, or whether it is separate to the strength of all means of subsistence that he can live without subjugation to Boragine of the economy (and with it the rule set). Proletariat is not only the employee, the proletarian is a student, unemployed, homeless, insane, imprisoned, without land, whore, has propista, pickpocket, sexual discrimination, etc. Finally, some of that immense mass oppressed is necessary for normal functioning of capitalism in its current phase. In that sense, we oppose the workers view the fight, we are not proud to be oppressed as a class we recognize that our struggle to free us from our proletarian condition.


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