Friday, September 17, 2010

Predictions By My Kundli

Bariloche: Hunger strike in support of Mapuche Political Prisoners

Mapuche Autoconvocados peacefully occupied the Nahuel Huapi Bariloche municipality located in the Civic Center, where from morning to Monday Oskar Moreno integral Lof Mapuche-Tehuelche Saihueque Valentin, maintained a hunger strike. The move comes a concrete form to accompany the Mapuche Political Prisoners on Friday that 68 days have ended hunger strike in prisons of Concepción, Temuco, Angol, Lebu, Valdivia and Chol-Chol. "With this attitude, answer the call to have different identities longko pu Territorial LafkenMapu / NguluMapu" says the statement sent by the young, the first to join the strike from the Puelmapu (Mapuche Territory in Argentina). "This gesture intended to return once again to break the boundaries imposed by the states of Argentina and Chile to return to reunite as a people for freedom, justice, territory and autonomy!," The letter said. Public release

longko Pu, pu Ngenpin, Machi pu, pu Pillan Kusche,
Werken pu, pu Weichafe, Nana pu, pu Chachay, ucha Zomo
pu, pu WECHE wenchru, pichikeche Zomo pichikeche wenchru,
our entire Mapuche-Tehuelche
To our brothers Mapuche Political Prisoners on hunger strike,
A Family Coordination,
to their communities and organizations:
While the west of our ancestral territory ( LafkenMapu-NguluMapu) the Chilean State celebrates the bicentennial imprisoning, torturing and murdering the Mapuche people from Puelmapu (Land to the east) and as part of Mapuche Lof-Tehuelche Saihueque Valentine, I want to show my protest, expressed in the decision to NOT EAT FOOD from Friday 17 to Monday 20 September inclusive. As of this morning and until Monday will realize this repudiation of the Chilean government will be of great feast while 35 of our brothers are dying of hunger "by reason or by force."
This fast that began in this part of Wallmapu (Ancestral Land) is a concrete way to accompany our Mapuche Political Prisoners meet Friday 68 days in hunger strike in prisons of Concepción, Temuco, Angol, Lebu, Valdivia and Chol-Chol.
This measure is intended to return to the government demanding immediate compliance Piñera to the demands of our brethren who risk their lives by:
1 - End the Terrorism Act and Pinochet Mapuche causes application.
2 - End the double processing (civilian and military justice) in Mapuche causes.
3 - Freedom to all Mapuche political prisoners.
4 - Demilitarization of Mapuche communities and the Territory.
The intention is to join the Mapuche protests being made and called by the Coordination of relatives of the Mapuche Political Prisoners on hunger strike, with this attitude, answer the call to have different identities longko pu Territorial LafkenMapu / NguluMapu . This gesture intended to return once again to break the artificial boundaries imposed by the states of Argentina and Chile to return to reunite as one people for freedom, justice, territory and autonomy! We know that the power
wingka our brothers accused of terrorism by fighting for our land that was stolen and our culture that is violated. Because military dictatorship in Chile's democracy, crimes against humanity maintain its continuity, because the only ones killed in this genocide are the Mapuche. The people of this land. In recent years, the Mapuche were killed: Alex Lemún (2002), Matías Catrileo (2008) and Jaime Mendoza Collio (2009). All shot by the state in recovering land.
In this resistance that has more than 200 years, the Mapuche people goes through a process of re-building, recovery and defense of territory, demanding full recognition of rights, progress in the projection of life and our ancient philosophy throughout the Mapuche (from sea to sea).
At 68 days into this drastic measure our brothers have fallen more than 20 kg and more and more aggravated his health. While prosecutors asked Chileans sentences of more than 100 years for the Mapuche, the policeman's murderer Walter Matias Ramirez Catrileo only was he sentenced to "three years and one day of probation" in other words sign a form for 3 years in Chilean Gendarmerie .'s why we denounce and condemn systematic policy of repression, filled with racism and injustice.
States have a historical debt with our people. And in the case of Chile is not enough to "recognize" reform laws, "apologize a thousand times if necessary," or believing that feeding by force and against the will of our brothers will be "everything humanly possible" and "solution ". Therefore, the government of Piñera and power wingka must take responsibility for what may happen to our brothers and their lives.
condemn the policy of criminalization and violence without limits of "Chile bicentennial" which remains in jail under the application Mapuche Pinochet-terrorism law, the same dictator who used to chase, disappearing and killing political dissidents. Chile now has the luxury of being the first Latin American country that applies the anti-terrorist legislation against minors.
Finally we call on our people to express and intensify protests throughout the Mapuche (from sea to sea) in support and the lives of our people. We are not chile, we are not Argentina! Mapunche Inchin ta! Nothing to celebrate! 200 years of Mapuche Resistance!
"We Mapuche, one day we will have our own celebration and that day will come when we get back what is ours by nature, our World Mapuche." "Mapumeu llegiyiñ ta, ta mapu choyüeiñmeu, fei mapuchengeiñ meu "-" We were born from the earth, the earth gave birth to us, come out of it, so we are Mapuche. " Oskar Moreno
Mapuche Lof-Tehuelche
Valentin Saihueque
Menal Tripatufe Weichafe tain pu!
MAPUCHE: One People. A single Territory. One struggle and resistance for our Freedom! Tain Amulepe
weich! Pu Weuwaiñ Lamu weuwaiñ peñi pu! Coliwe
While there, MapunChe born! If one falls, ten will rise! Nahuel Huapi
LafkenMapu meu, Puelmapu. Friday September 17, 2010


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