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Mauricio Hernández Nora makes revelations about the Front from prison

Chilevisión interview, 08/31/1910:
Hernández makes revelations about the Front from prison

Ex leader of the terrorist organization discussed the crisis suffered by the group.

Mauricio Hernández Nora, a former leader of the FPMR, the mastermind of the murder of Jaime Guzman and the kidnapping of Cristian Edwards, made revelations about this terrorist organization in an interview broadcast last night by Chilevision.

The person was interviewed in prison in Brazil where he was serving sentence for the kidnapping of businessman in this country Washington Olivetto. Two days later he was transferred. Hernández

reviewed the actions of the FPMR from the attack on Augusto Pinochet in 1986, where he said the goal was to create a popular uprising. Regarding the abduction

of Colonel Carlos Carreño, the next year, said it was an act of propaganda in which the officer was not elected in a special way and that if they had known its connection with cases of weapons would have felt that they had "won the lottery." Former frontage

then described a series of events which were undermining the organization, as recognized, starting with his belief that there would be fraud in the plebiscite of 1988 and the "No" would be defeated. To this he added the death of their leader Raúl Pellegrin, whose style was not able to maintain said.

From there, said that under the leadership of the FPMR Apablaza Galvarino became almost exclusively a military organization. Recognizing that

acted with "voluntarism" after the return of democracy, described the policy of "executions" that was followed.

The so-called "Comandante Ramiro" took care to emphasize that these decisions, including the assassination of Senator Guzman, were taken collectively. After this crime, acknowledged that the economic aid it received the FPMR almost broke down, and would have been precisely the need for money that led them to kidnap Edwards. Even

FPMR Hernandez revealed that he lost half a million dollars as a result of dealings which he could not be attributed to corruption or negligence.

also helped to weaken the group that some members went to work in government intelligence functions, such as Enrique Villanueva and Agdalín Valenzuela. The latter was arrested with him and given "VIP treatment" he said.


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